
I started this blog as a place to put the "mommy stuff" that just doesn't fit over on my other blog.

I became a first time mom at the age of 43 so this blog is written from *gasp* an older mom's perspective.

I love being a mom to the funniest little girl on the planet (check out the scroll over to the right ---> for some of her gems!) and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures together!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Follow, follow follow.... only if you wish!

Topic of the week
To pay attention and be genuinely interested in understanding 
what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting 
or what the message means.

Greetings! Yesterday I said I my next post would be Wordless Wednesday but I've decided to jump on the band wagon of a little blog hopping! 

If you are new to this blog I would suggest you check out these posts to see if this is the kind of blog you might be interested in following.

You see I am happily following everyone , per the rules of the blog hop, but I really don't want you to follow me unless you like what you see here! Of course I do hope you like it!! If you leave me a comment and ask for a follow I'll hop right over to your blog and follow you . I can't guarantee I'll read every post, heck some weeks I don't get to read anything, but I will check in from time to time! So without further ado let's get on to the hopping!

Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis. Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted bySurvey JunkieLittle Yaya'sReview Retreat and Boobies, Babies & A Blog.
Each week we will choose a random number every week from the blogs linked and add the random blog to the #5 spot to link to the following week ...
This weeks guest host for the #5 spot is Valerie from Let’s Just Give It Away.

How it Works

  1. Follow the 5 hosts, #1 – 5,  ( leave us a comment & we will follow you back- only leave a comment if you follow please ).
  2. Create a blog post about FMBT (you may copy this post if you wish).
  3. Follow as many blogs as you would like ( Leave a comment so they can follow you back).
  4. When you receive a comment from a new follower  return the favor & follow them back.
***Please link directly to your Follow Me Back Tuesday Post. Links that lead directly to your personal blog hop will not be accepted and will be deleted.***

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Next Post - Wordless Wednesday...really!

My Thirteen Virtues of Great Parenting are:
Fun, Discipline, Creativity, Love, Wonder, Listening, Curiosity,Compassion, 
Trust, Acceptance, Empowerment, Humility and Flexibility

This week is all about Listening. Next week 's topic is Curiosity.


  1. I am a new follower from FMBT. Have a great week.
    Best wishes,

  2. I am following you also, thanks for the follow.
    You have NOTHING to worry about over your name, if you register it as a (DOT COM) you have all rights over the name.

    My mishap was an honest mistake, which caused me a lot of problems.
    It's too bad I unknowingly did something, and had someone bash me continuously. Something you wouldn't expect from another Mommy Blog.

    Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your blog!!
    Have a Terrific Tuesday! =)

  3. I am your newest FMBT follower! Would love for you to come visit me at my blog!

    Critique of the Unique

  4. Thanks for linking up for FMBT. I am your newest follower.
    Have a great week!!

  5. thanks for stopping by my blog. I am following back. :)


  6. Thanks for stopping by - I am now following.


Thank you "very so much" (the construct I stole from my 3 year old!) for your comments! I reply to every comment. I will ALWAYS reply over here on the blog so if you haven't heard from directly please do check back here. If you become a Disqus member you will be automatically updated via email as well!