
I started this blog as a place to put the "mommy stuff" that just doesn't fit over on my other blog.

I became a first time mom at the age of 43 so this blog is written from *gasp* an older mom's perspective.

I love being a mom to the funniest little girl on the planet (check out the scroll over to the right ---> for some of her gems!) and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures together!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Water Quality Report

Topic of the week:
A feeling of deep affection and personal attachment. 
Affectionate concern for the well-being of others.

Please play the Caption Game if Linking up!

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Do stop by to visit some other Wordless Wednesday participants here:

And if you just NEED some words, maybe this is for you: 

Wordful Wednesday's at Seven Clown Circus
A Recent Everyday Mommy Post - Ahhh Sweet Love!

Next Post: A little Love

My Thirteen Virtues of Great Parenting are:
Fun, Discipline, Creativity, Love, Wonder, Listening, Curiosity,Compassion, 
Trust, Acceptance, Empowerment, Humility and Flexibility

This week is all about Love. Next week 's topic is Wonder.


  1. A total man...reading on the potty! Very cute...

  2. Cute pic... looks so grown up! :p Happy WW

  3. I am so glad the younger generation is watching out for water.

  4. So glad she is keeping her finger on the pulse of the environment!! :o)
    Happy WW!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my site. Excited to meet you in SF!


Thank you "very so much" (the construct I stole from my 3 year old!) for your comments! I reply to every comment. I will ALWAYS reply over here on the blog so if you haven't heard from directly please do check back here. If you become a Disqus member you will be automatically updated via email as well!