
I started this blog as a place to put the "mommy stuff" that just doesn't fit over on my other blog.

I became a first time mom at the age of 43 so this blog is written from *gasp* an older mom's perspective.

I love being a mom to the funniest little girl on the planet (check out the scroll over to the right ---> for some of her gems!) and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures together!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - A Humble Gift

If you have been following this blog, you know I have shared this photo before! I do it again for a good cause! Click here (or on the photo) to be directed to a fantastic giving opportunity over on my new blog.  For every new Bliss Habit's follower additional money will be given to charity... it costs you nothing AND you help people in need... #WIN!!

Stop by other Wordful Wednesday Posts at Parenting by Dummies
Wordish Wednesday's are brought to us by Supermom

Standard Wordless Wednesday Posts are available at