
I started this blog as a place to put the "mommy stuff" that just doesn't fit over on my other blog.

I became a first time mom at the age of 43 so this blog is written from *gasp* an older mom's perspective.

I love being a mom to the funniest little girl on the planet (check out the scroll over to the right ---> for some of her gems!) and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures together!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

She always wants to help! - A THEN and NOW observation

Humility - the quality or condition of being Humble; imitate Jesus or Socrates

 Everyday Mommy

Welcome to week three of the THEN and NOW Game! Time to dust off all your favorite old stories...This meme is designed to give us a reason to remember and chronicle our favorite tales. Pick a favorite THEN and compare, contrast or just wax philosophically about the differences between THEN and NOW.

If you are playing along, please post the button (above) in your sidebar OR as part of your THEN and NOW post and provide a link back to my blog's THEN and NOW post for the week (Mine will always be the first link listed in the Linky). If you want to add the Linky too just go ahead and grab the code!

I interrupt my planned THEN and NOW for this alternate tale of a helpful Girl. 

She really has always enjoyed "helping" ... here is the THEN of our tale:

** THEN **

Yesterday I told you how I was having difficulty with photos... well things have been compounded by my misplacement of my camera charger. At this point in time no juggling of memory cards is even available. The camera is dead! (Photo's for this post were snagged off my facebook page and taken with the camera in my computer.) I was muttering and running around yesterday when Sweets offered to help me.

"It OK Mommy. I draw a picture for you."
** NOW **

This is a picture of us at the Park

This is a picture of her friend Lillian. I LOVE the knees!

As it turns out this THEN and NOW is probably better then the one I originally planned! Check back next week to see.

Do you have a great THEN and NOW story? Link up today! The THEN and NOW Linky will be live all week at the bottom of the page just scroll down to join us any day this week!

Next Post: The best of the week

My Thirteen Virtues of Great Parenting are:
Fun, Discipline, Creativity, Love, Wonder, Listening, Curiosity,Compassion, Trust, Acceptance, Empowerment, Humility and Flexibility

This week is all about Humility. Next week we tackle Flexibility.


  1. Those drawings are really, really good for a three year old! We are still at the wiggly line stage or on a really good day big circles :-) Love the picture of your baby helping on the computer too!

  2. Cute! I actually have similar drawings to hers on my dining room chairs...lol. That was not helpful...but in a way kind of endearing...even though frustrating. It's weird how children can give you all those feelings at once! ~Kimberly

  3. That was just about the best THEN & NOW post imaginable. J's helpful drawing takes the cake as far as wonderfulness & sweetness goes... (but since last we met, have the two of you turned into potato-heads?)


Thank you "very so much" (the construct I stole from my 3 year old!) for your comments! I reply to every comment. I will ALWAYS reply over here on the blog so if you haven't heard from directly please do check back here. If you become a Disqus member you will be automatically updated via email as well!